Monday, January 18, 2016

Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) in India

Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) is considered a non-invasive or minimally invasive type of procedure. Frozen embryos can be thawed and then implanted into your uterus. If you have ovarian or ovulation problems, then FET might be a good option for you when you are considering your infertility treatment options. 

Depending on what your fertility problems are, this simple treatment can help you. If your problems are ovulation or ovarian based then simply having the embryo placed within your uterus can help you to become pregnant. If your problems are more uterus based, as in not being able to carry a baby to full term or any other kind of disorder then F.E.T. may not be able to help.

There are few different ways that a frozen transfer can occur and one method is by monitoring a woman for her menstrual cycle. The other method is simply monitoring ovulation and placing the eggs inside her uterus after ovulation. This will help supplement the other part of a woman's cycle with more progesterone. This helps to create a cycle as it gives progesterone and estrogen to help suppress Lupron. It then performs what is called an artificial cycle. This is going to be a process that is not as complicated as IVF. This is because egg retrieval is eliminated as well as stimulating more eggs.

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