Thursday, November 19, 2015

IVF Treatment in Delhi

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the process of combining of a man’s sperm and women’s egg in a laboratory dish for the need of fertilization. Fertilization has the meaning of the sperm has attached and entered in the egg. And the meaning of In-Vitro means outside the body. IVF have helped many couples to have their own children as it was not happening due to some specific problems in natural conception.

IVF is a procedure of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), in which with the help of medical techniques will be used to make a women getting pregnant. When the other treatments are unsuccessful, the IVF treatment is most commonly used treatment procedure.
Mainly 5 steps are involved in the whole procedure of In-Vitro Fertilization. The steps are,

§  Step-1: Super Ovulation or Stimulation.
§  Step-2: Retrieval of Eggs.
§  Step-3: Insemination and Fertilization.
§  Step-4: Culture of Embryo.
§  Step-5: Transfer of Embryo.

These are the various steps which is involved in In Vitro Fertilization. Dr Nalini Gupta has pursued her M.Sc in clinical embryology from Leeds, Great Britain after completing her MBBS and MD (Gyn. And Obs) by which she is having vast experience in the field of IVF treatments and well familiar with all the latest technologies which will be helpful in treatment procedures.

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